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Step by Step - How to Build your Dream Ceremony Playlist

Christie Becker


Congratulations! You're planning your wedding!

This is the day that you'll look back on forever (no pressure!)


So let's talk music!

If you've already read my post on the components of a wedding Ceremony, you're ready to jump right in! (If not, you might want to read this first.)

This guide is intended to provide you with a starting point as you and your fiancé begin to discuss your Ceremony music. The final selections are of course up to you, but this is a way to get something down on paper (that you can then edit and rearrange to your heart's content.)

How to Use This Guide

You should each use your own sheet of paper. There are no wrong answers. Answer each of the questions and try to refrain from comparing your choices until the end. HAVE FUN!


  1. What is a radio station that you love playing on long car drives together? What genre is represented by this station?

  2. What is a song that immediately makes you think of each other?

  3. What movie (or video game or tv show) have you seen together that made you both emotional?

  4. What are your favorite musical artists when you get together with your friends?

  5. What are 2 songs that you absolutely CANNOT envision having at your wedding?



5 - The first edit

Take a quick peek down your partner's sheet - let's make sure that the songs that you already know you don't want are nixed.

1 - Prelude

This is the genre of music that represents happiness and joy to you as a couple. Select songs from this genre for your Prelude, to greet your guests and set the tone for the rest of the day!

2 - Processional or Recessional

Is this "your song"? Is it a love song, or did you select songs that represent your playful side together?

If your song is more upbeat and energetic, it could be a great Recessional choice - just imagine the photos of your walk back up the aisle together, unable to contain yourself as you dance and celebrate with your friends!

If your song is more of a comfortable walking speed, such as a ballad, it could be a great Processional choice. Sweet lyrics or melodies that speak to commitment and friendship are perfect for a wedding party of your closest ride-or-die friends, or the family that's always been there for you.

3 - Grand Entrance

Cue the waterworks!

Depending on where you found this inspiration, it might require a little digging for the score (the music playing throughout a film, show or game). A good resource if you're unsure of a song title is TuneFind. The right song will always cause a swell of emotion, so this one is definitely one to get right.

Have more than one song that you love? Consider this as a Processional or Prelude option as well!

Looking for immediate inspiration? Check out my media page to listen to audio clips or even peruse my updated repertoire list of over 570 song titles!

4 - Processional or Postlude

It's great to pull from the works of your favorite artists, because there's such a wealth of options! Get the party started with a Postlude that's the perfect segue into your Cocktail Hour by selecting a recognizable song that you already know your friends enjoy, or highlight how special your wedding party is to you with a familiar selection that speaks to your friendship.

Can't decide? Fill in your Prelude with more tunes that will get your guests tapping their toes in anticipation of your perfect wedding!


You did it! The first draft of your wedding playlist is complete! Now you have the building blocks in place to make it easy refine your Ceremony music until you've got it exactly right!


Dreaming of live music for your wedding day?

Specializing in custom arrangements and tailored set lists, I'll work with you to make your dream wedding a reality!


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